

28 avril 2021 0 Par Brom

In 2019, around 6 mounths before defending my PhD, I had the opportunity to participate at « Ma thèse en 180s » where I present my work in 3 min, in front of the public. It was a fantastic experience. I meet with different PhD students from different fields, we spend time together to work on our respective presentations, have rehearsal and lot of fun. I would recommend to any PhD student hesitating to participate to do it. Our public presentations have been filmed and are available on Youtube. Click here for mine and enjoy 🙂 (Note, this is in french).

As a Chemistry physicist specialised in nanoparticles, I found that the most exciting part of my PhD was the confrontation of different scales, the nanoparticles in the infinity of space. I chose to present my work as an analogy of dance between atoms and planets. The most frustrating part in MT180s is to have plenty of ideas on how to present your PhD but having to fit a unique short speech. But it is also what makes the experiment quite funny and challenging.

For more information about MT180s you can visit the website :