Curriculum Vitæ

Research thematic:

Nanomaterials/Nanoparticles, characterisation and synthesis, plasma chemistry, laboratory astrophysics, physico-chemical mechanisms, metal and carbon interaction.  


2016-2019  PhD, Research Institute in Astrophysics and Planetology (IRAP) and Laboratory on plasma and conversion of energy (LAPLACE), Toulouse (FR).
Formation and growth by plasma of laboratory stardust analogues: investigation of the role of the C/O ratio and metals.
2015-2016  Master degree, Bordeaux University (FR), Chemistry and Physico-Chemistry.
2013-2016  Master’s equivalent degree (Diplôme d’ingénieur), Graduate School of Chemistry Biology and Physics, Pessac (FR).
Major in physical chemistry applied in Nano and micro technologies. Lectures and practice labs involving (among others) chemical theory, electrochemistry, organo chemistry, polymer, analytical chemistry (spectroscopies, microscopies, chemistry), synthesis techniques (colloïds, clean room…)  
2011-2013  Two undergraduate years, University of Bordeaux (FR),
Intensive lectures in physics, mathematics and chemistry to prepare to ENSCBP school.
2011  Baccalauréat, Lycée Sud Médoc la Boëtie, Le Taillan (Fr)
Major in physics and chemistry with highest honors.

Research Experiences

2021-2023Postdoctoral researcher, NIMBE/CEA and LCMCP/SU, Paris (FR), ANR-ACETONE project.
Aging of TiO2 nanoparticles in a media of biological interest. Different synthesis protocols of nanoparticles (Hydrothermal assisted or not by microwave, precipitation in aqueous solution, reflux) allows obtaining anatase or rutile nanoparticles (RX and PDF analysis) with different shapes and size (TEM, BET, SAXS analysis). Investigation of the interaction with phosphate molecules (adsorption isotherms, IR analysis). Studying of the aging by radiolysis chemistry.
2019-2020  Postdoctoral researcher, IRAP and LAPLACE, Toulouse (FR), ERC synergy Nanocosmos project. Investigation of the role of C/O ratio in plasma dust formation. Adaptation of the gas lines of the set-up. New experiments series and plans based on the evolution of optical emission spectroscopy, FTIR ex-situ analysis and scanning electron microscopy. Actively participated with the team in: The investigation of the possibility to use metal powder and nanoparticles to observe alkane species with the AROMA set-up (double laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry). The interaction metal/hydrocarbons species and its possible catalytic role in gas phase.    
2016-2019  PhD student IRAP and LAPLACE, Toulouse (FR), ERC synergy Nanocosmos project.
Investigation on plasma dust formation with application for astrophysics studies. Development of the experiments plans and selections of characterisation techniques and methods. Organosilicon dust synthesis by PECVD. Study of the physical and chemical mechanisms involved in the final dust composition and morphology. Evidence of the impact of the C/O ratio on plasma dust. Synthesis of nanocomposite dust with addition of silver by PVD. Investigation on a possible catalytic role of metallic species for hydrocarbons formation.
2016  Master’s degree internship (6 months), Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal (CRPP), Bordeaux (FR). Patchy silica nanoparticles synthesis and characterisation by colloidal techniques. Synthesis of silica/polystyrene nanoparticles with controlled number of patches, from 1 to 6. Assembly of nanoparticles by functionalisation for covalent bonding with satellite particles.     
2015  First year master’s degree internship (4 months), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne (CH) and Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) Villigen (CH).
Hyform project: study of a hydrogen reformer performances and  application to fuel cells.
2014-2015Student project « PLArcenciel », ENSCBP, Pessac (FR)
Team’s work (5 students). Investigate the possibility to make an in-situ coloration of PLA during fused-filament 3D printing. Experimental model for the dye diffusion.    
2013  Volontary student project, Institut des Sciences Moléculaires (ISM), Talence (FR).
Modelisation and investigation of potential energy surface with reaction dynamic study.


2018Teaching labs demonstrator in physical chemistry École Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs en Arts Chimiques et Technologiques (ENSIACET), Toulouse (Fr)
56 h 20 min – Two main experiments: (1) First coefficient of Viriel’s equations experimental investigation. Gas pressure and dilatation investigation. (2) Experimental study of the enthalpy of vaporisation impact of solvent, dew point and bubble point curves drawing.  Examiner for reports and the final oral exam of the students.  


LaboratoryPlasma chemistry, nanoparticles synthesis in liquid or gaz, optical emission spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, electron microscopy imaging, mass spectrometry, XPS analysis, zeta potential, isotherm adsorption.
SoftwaresMicrosoft office, Origin, Gnuplot, InkScape, OpenScad, mMass.  
CodesBasic knowledges: python, matlab and HTML5/CSS3.
LanguagesFrench: Mother Tongue
English: Conference speaker, oral presentation, article writing, everyday used at work with international colleagues. TOEIC score: 910 (2015).  
OthersStrong multidisciplinary taste and works in cross field environment and cross laboratory. Management of the laboratory/ chemical room: stocks, security, waste managements.

Attended Schools

2017 Spring school: Micro characterisations techniques, Toulouse (FR), April 24th-27th.
Lectures on micrometric characterization techniques. Workshop on surface characterisation and nanoelectronics.  
2016Les 13èmes Journées du réseau plasma froid à La Rochelle, october 17th-20th.
Lectures on nanometric scale application of cold plasmas.
2016One-week formation for clean room techniques at AIME Toulouse (FR) with ENSCBP.
Lithography, chemical etching, plasma…    


SportsCanne de combat (French martial art): 10 years – competitions – Training regional referee.
Art of movement (discipline close from free-running and parkour): 5 years  
MusiqueFlute: 12 years – Solo to orchestra – Two Exchange France/Italia
Founder of the junior association in 2009 for organisation of the second exchange
Zéro-WastePersonal reduction of all wastes, close to zero.