Welcome to my webpage

Welcome to my webpage

I am creating this website to share about what I am doing either in sciences or in another of my activities. The different section and news will be filling up progressively.

I am a young researcher (currently looking for a postdoctoral position). I did a master’s degree at ENSCBP in Bordeaux, France. I studied physico-chemistry of nano and microtechnology. I have always been interested in the interactions of atoms at the interface between physic and chemistry. I did a PhD in Laboratory Astrophysics and fulfilled my eager for multidisciplinary with the NANOCOSMOS project. I worked on the formation and growth by plasma of laboratory stardust analogues. Now, I am particularly interested in physico-chemistry interface methods of nanoparticles synthesis and the various applications offered by those technologies.

In parallel, I am also involved in some other activities such as sport. I play « canne de combat » as competitor (when possible) a French martial art. I am also practising art of movement and climbing. More artistically, I like to drawing, reading books, music, games (especially one involving riddles), cooking and DIY. For a few years, I have been trying my best to be zero waste and reduce my environmental impact, this is not always a success but I am trying hard. I will be pleased to share about those things and you will find further incoming information in the « bonus » section or in the « news » section.